Singtel Shop
Online store for Singapore's largest telecommunication company. Built using React and Gatsby for the UI framework and AEM as a headless CMS. Hosted on AWS.
Open Source
AI-powered resume and cover letter builder. This site uses OpenAI’s new GPT-4 with Vision model. Built using SvelteKit and hosted on Vercel. Source code -
Formula 1 Page Speed Insights
Performance report using PageSpeed Insights and Chrome User Experience Report to showcase which Formula 1 team has the fastest web performance. Built using Next.js and hosted on Netlify. Read my article on how this project was built Source code -
Singapore E-Commerce Page Speed Insights
Performance report using PageSpeed Insights and Chrome User Experience Report to showcase which Singapore E-Commerce store has the fastest web performance. Built using Next.js and hosted on Netlify. Read my article on how this project was built Source code